Pupil Planners
Each pupil in S1-S4 will be issued with a Pupil Planner at the beginning of the session and be given advice about how to use it properly and effectively. All teachers should ensure that all homework is recorded in Planners. If a pupil does not have their Planner, the class teacher should check that they have it the following lesson. If they do not, the Principal Teacher Curriculum should be notified. If a pupil forgets their Planner twice in one month a standard faculty letter will be sent home to parents.
S1-S4 Planners will be checked once a week during Period 1 Enrichment. Pupils who forget their planners will be asked to bring them the following day. If pupils forget their Planner twice in a month this will be reported to the school office and a letter will be sent home; the school office will keep a record of these. In addition, if pupils are not using their planners to record homework, parents will be informed.
Pastoral Care staff will be responsible for following up these issues.
Planners are given free to pupils. However, in the event that it is lost, another one can be purchased from the school office for £2 (subject to availability).
In session 2012-2013, a pilot will be carried out with S5 and S6 students giving them the option of using their mobile phone to record homework. The option of a Planner will still be offered. The normal rules regarding use of mobile phones will still obtain; pupils should only bring out phones in class for the sole purpose of recording homework. This pilot will be reviewed at the end of the session.