Welcome to our website
St Joseph's College has a long history and tradition as part of Dumfries' educational community. Many of the parents of today's students also studied here and think so highly of it that they send their sons and daughters to us. Our staff uses a variety of teaching methods to make learning fun. We try hard to foster an academic environment in which children feel comfortable so that they can study most effectively.
Trust Applications - funding for college or university
The new version of the constitution is now available for download,
St Joseph's College PFA Constitution Nov[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [210.1 KB]
For pupils norrmally resident in the former county of Dumfries. Preference may be given to those entering the University of Edinburgh.
Edinburghdfs society application form.do[...]
Microsoft Word document [27.7 KB]
SQA AAA S4 parents information evening.p[...]
Microsoft Power Point presentation [223.1 KB]
National 4 and 5 English Parents.ppsx
Microsoft Power Point presentation [217.7 KB]
Senior Options Information
Adobe Acrobat document [2.2 MB]
Microsoft Power Point presentation [4.7 MB]
Adobe Acrobat document [1.2 MB]
Dumfries and Galloway College Academy Mini Guide - College Academy Website
The link here to find out more about Foundation Apprenticeships
Microsoft Word document [132.5 KB]
Microsoft Word document [127.9 KB]
S4 Option Choices
S3 Option Choices
S3 Assessments 2025
S3 Assessment Study Guide
S3 Assessment Information for Parents Ca[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [7.4 MB]
Free School Meals
The process for parents to apply for Free School Meals and a Clothing grant will be changing this academic year. We are hoping this will make the process easier in that parents currently in receipt of Free School Meals.
An application form will have to be completed if a parent is not currently in receipt of a Free School Meal or Clothing Grant and a change of circumstances form will have to be completed if current applicants have any changes to their circumstances i.e. change of surname, address or bank details as well as having an additional child entering P1 or joining their family.
At present D&G are working on the process and application/formsand the school will keep you informed in the near future.