All students of St Joseph’s College are expected to attend school dressed appropriately for lessons and other activities within the school day.
The wearing of school uniform should not be a contentious issue for students: all of us, staff and students alike, endeavour to ensure that we feel proud to be part of the College community.
We can reflect this pride by wearing appropriate clothes, in school colours, which indicate to the wider community of Dumfries that we are business like in our approach to our work.
I should like to take this opportunity to remind you that the school dress code is:
- White shirt/blouse and school tie OR white school polo shirt and school sweatshirt
- Black/Navy trousers/skirt (not black jeans, fashion trousers or tracksuit trousers)
- Sensible dark shoes.
I am grateful to the PFA for their support in sourcing appropriate items of school clothing and for your convenience I have attached an order form for uniform below.
The school dress code is a matter of school policy, which is supported by the Education Authority.
I trust that I can count on your continuing support to ensure that your child comes to school dressed in an appropriate manner.
E B Jones
Blazer Uniform Order Form (Primary) June[...]
Microsoft Word document [37.5 KB]